Belonging Begins in Schools
Re-Imagining Migration aims to transform the educational ecosystem to ensure that
immigrant-origin youth, their peers, and the communities in which they inhabit flourish in a
global society increasingly shaped by migration and demographic diversification. By harnessing
the power of schools, museums, and other informal learning environments, we create learning
experiences that cultivate a sense of belonging and understanding while promoting life-long
dispositions that enable young people to thrive.
choose your path
Our approach is based on the Re-Imagining Migration framework developed by Verónica Boix-Mansilla at Project Zero at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. The framework invites educators to reflect on foundational questions to ensure all young people are prepared to thrive in a world on the move.
Resource Library
At the heart of Re-Imagining Migration are the resources we’ve thoughtfully
curated for real-time application of our framework for the students of today.
Browse Resources by
Approach Questions:
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Partners & Collaborators
educators accessing our resources in all
fifty states
different cities and school districts in 48
states (and the District of Columbia)
downloading resources
of those implementing Re-Imagining
Migration materials say the resources
improve their ability to foster belonging
among their students (Fall 2023 Survey)