Belonging Begins in Schools

Re-Imagining Migration aims to transform the educational ecosystem to ensure that
immigrant-origin youth, their peers, and the communities in which they inhabit flourish in a
global society increasingly shaped by migration and demographic diversification. By harnessing
the power of schools, museums, and other informal learning environments, we create learning
experiences that cultivate a sense of belonging and understanding while promoting life-long
dispositions that enable young people to thrive.

Our approach is based on the Re-Imagining Migration framework developed by Verónica Boix-Mansilla at Project Zero at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. The framework invites educators to reflect on foundational questions to ensure all young people are prepared to thrive in a world on the move.

Who are the young people we are educating and how does migration impact their lives?

What are the most important perspectives for participating in a world on the move?

How should we
teach about
migration to build
understanding of
our shared story?

How can we
create powerful
environments for
our students?

How do we
prepare our
for a changing

At the heart of Re-Imagining Migration are the resources we’ve thoughtfully
curated for real-time application of our framework for the students of today.

Resources by Keyword:

Resources by Grade Level:

Resources by Type:

Partners & Collaborators

educators accessing our resources in all
fifty states​

different cities and school districts in 48
states (and the District of Columbia)
downloading resources


of those implementing Re-Imagining
Migration materials say the resources
improve their ability to foster belonging
among their students (Fall 2023 Survey)

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